Thursday, September 19, 2013

Marvel Universe War Hulk

Hey guys sorry for the delay but here is another marvel figure review and today i am reviewing MARVEL UNIVERSE WAR HULK. First off I have to say is this figure is freaking cool I suggest buying it NOW. Now then articulation is AMAZING It has the best out of almost all the marvel figure's he's sculpt is very detailed It even look's like a mini war hulk Hasbro did a good job making this awesomeness. It comes with a shield, A sword that can slide in to the sword cover thingy and an axe. Now the axe and sword are cool but a little loosy but no big deal. His vest is also removable so you could see his chest and other things. His paintjob also amazing overall i will give this figure a 10/10.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Halo 4 Didact figure

A new halo 4 Didact figure how awesome is that. This figure will be released at September, I think, anyways this figure has an interchangeable head which is freakin awesome.Plus he has a dlc skin pack for halo 4 I suggest pre-ordering him.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Marvel Legends X-force Deadpool

This figure is awesome, mainly because Deadpool is my favorite character highly recommended.The paintjob is amazing and his sculpt is fantastic. Articulation is Great you can give him many poses like:

or you can make a scene like this:

His head can move 360 and his elbow's and leg's are double jointed. His accessories are 2 katana's, 1 pistol, 1 assault rifle. This figure gets 10/10. Get it now especially if you are a deadpool fan.

Next Figure Review

Guys I am letting you choose which figure you want me to review for you. Just put the comment down below.

Pacific Rim NECA figure

In this post I am gonna talk about NECA's pacific rim figures. 

Okay if you guys are having trouble with picking which pacific rim figure you want this post will help you.

1.Kaiju Knifehead 

This figure is amazing though it may not have lot's of articulation it has one of the best paint job and sculpt of the three figures.This figure is personally my favorite because I like the Kaiju's in pacific rim.This figure is great if you are a figure collector like me and if you like monster's or Godzilla but if you want to play with it not the best choice. My rating will be 8/10.

2. Crimson typhoon

This figure is recommended to transformer fans. The unique look of this Jaeger makes it well known to people but the thing that makes it looks awesome is the 3 arms, 2 left 1 right, and his paint job. His paint job makes him look battle worn which makes this figure look realistic. He has a cool design with a dragon marking in his arm.recommended for pacific rim fans.8/10

3.Gypsy Danger

Not much to say about this figure but it has a nice paint job but the color blue on him makes him look like a tranformer not a badass robot. In the movie his color was blue and steel but this one is more like sky blue to me which is wrong, I am only saying this because I want people to have good quality figure, yes it has a nice. but that doesn't mean its good I'm not trying to say its perfect but at least put the right color.Articulation is good it's not great but it's also not bad, he only has limited articulation because of the sculpt but that's not NECA's fault they're just trying to make it realistic.well 7/10. 

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